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How to Raise a Healthy Vegan Kid

Raise your kid vegan, and you’ll hear everyone’s opinions and advice about it, whether you ask for them or not.

RACHEL KRANTZ: ‘When it comes to raising a healthy vegan kid, the challenges often aren’t so much nutritional as they are social. Raise your kid vegan, and you’ll hear everyone’s opinions and advice about it, whether you ask for them or not. And even within your own family unit, you’ll need to consider how to talk to your kids about why they’re vegan—whether it be for their health, the environment, animals, or all of the above—and how to properly approach their nutrition. We spoke with health and culinary experts (several of whom are vegan parents themselves) to get the lowdown on what you need to know to raise a healthy vegan kid. Here’s what they had to say’. SOURCE…

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